Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Ghare Hira mai aik Raat

Mustansar Husain Tarar is a name synonymous with excellence, when he write everything else becomes secondary. He started as a travelogue writer than established himself as a finest novelist of Pakistan. The book under review is his travelogue, in which he spent a night in Ghare Hira, and the account of that has been narrated in the most captivating and spiritually enthralling manner which grips the reader and the reader feels to be present in the same time and space in which the author is present.

In this book when the narrative peaks and the author speaks about his experience, his feeling and his physical, mental and spiritual state in the blissful and empowering environment of Ghare Hira, when all of a sudden he stands witness to the gone centuries leading to the times of Prophet he is just mesmerized with the effect of those, where past comes to present, where present just becomes immaterial. At this point of time I was personally so absorbed that I thought I was transmigrated to that era, but one thing never left my mind during those moments was poem MASJID E QURTABA by IQBAL. I thought I was experiencing that greatest Urdu poem in prose of Mustansar Husain Tarar.